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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 4:17:57 GMT
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A 'vacation' of some sorts was what the former doctor had taken. A chance to 'get away from it all' while the clusterfuck known as 'team rocket' fixed itself. It was doing better, or so she'd heard. New members, maybe a new underboss, or something of the sort. Thinking about it gave her a headache, and so she choose not to.

"...eh? he ignored me," a scoff was followed by an unsightly scowl from where she peered underneath the dark tinted sunglasses. The screen of her phone reflected against the shades, a text sent out earlier to a green-haired associate lay unanswered. Her invention to do abso-fucking-lutely nothing out on the beach was left on read, and it left a sour taste in her mouth. Mostly because she was pitifully bored.

And so, she shifted about on the beach chair she laid on, head tilted back with her arms hanging overhead in a stretch. A gaze caught her hidden own, and a brow quirked. A finger pulled down the dark, studded shades to peer upwards. "If you're going to keep staring, I might have to start charging a fee." Coy words were accented with a playful smirk, despite the venom that touched them.
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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 5:02:15 GMT
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 the beach is studded with umbrellas, towels, suntanning bodies. dominic exits the SEASHORE HOUSE with a little tray of drinks in hand - a tequila sunrise for himself and @zacharias and orange juice for (it had a bit of grenadine in it, but he felt it was still appropriate for the kid).

dominic’s trek across the sand came to a pause when he sees a familiar figure reclining in one of the beach chairs. he inclines his head sideways and approaches the woman, sliding his own sunglasses down to survey her when he’s close enough to do so.

"hey stranger," he drawls, his mouth twisting into a faint smile. his otherwise flat tone is tinged with recognition.

"a fee? maybe we’ll be taking that out from your paycheck."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 6:02:15 GMT
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'ah, fuck,' the internal groan is suppressed by circe's lips forcing themselves into a lighthearted smile. she adjusts her shades, pulling them over her eyes once more, and suddenly appreciative of them if only because they shielded her sharp stare. it was annoying enough running into coworkers outside of work. running into your boss though? 'it should be fucking illegal,' her thoughts are filled with frustration. here she was, trying to escape work for just a bit longer, and then he pops up. her mouth fills with a vile taste. 

"do that and i'll have to come live with you." her voice is riddled with a sickly sweetness that borderlines toxic. not outright venomous, but not exactly kind. however, in the face of authority, she reels in her distaste in favor of her usual coyness. "don't you know i'm on vacation, sinclair?" she raised a hand, greedily reaching for one of the drinks he possess, uncaring of who they were originally for. 

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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2020 7:45:15 GMT
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 he smiles thinly but doesn’t comment - there are a dozen reasons why circe would not last in his apartment for longer than a day. briefly, his gaze lingers on a SUN TANNING couple.

dominic doesn’t react when circe’s hand comes up to the tray - her fingers will be able to close around zacharias’s tequila sunrise should she still want it after the next revelation that he is about to deliver.

"that will also be coming out of your paycheck," he says slowly, eyebrow arched.

fortunately, circe doesn’t comment on his own absence from the region, though perhaps “making arrangements in kanto” and “keeping a low profile after fallarbor” are still better excuses than hers.

"yeah? so i can expect you to report back in with one of the admins within the month, then?" dominic says with a scoff as he takes a seat on an adjacent beach chair, taking a careful sip of his own drink.

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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 7:20:34 GMT
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She couldn't resist giving a soft 'tsk'. Her need for alcohol in the presence of her 'superior' rose by the moment, and so her grip on the warm colored beverage only tightened. "mmh, you don't let up, do you?" though a chuckle purred in her throat, her hidden stare was toxic, as though wishing he dropped dead right before her. she didn't hate him, no - that was too much effort. she just didn't enjoy being on the 'wrong end of the stick'. she didn't enjoy the lack of control she had in the face of her boss. 

she tried to hide her further distaste of him joining her company by fixating her glacial stare onto a couple barbecuing nearby. the smell of searing meat was irrepressible. 

she tsked in realized frustration, drowning her rearing complex with a sip of her newly claimed drink. "did you miss me that much, sinclair?" she addresses him coyly. she'd take whatever shots she could. "i'll come back...soon enough, i suppose." whether it'd be tomorrow or the last day of the month, she didn't specify. "unless," she paused melodramatically, "you specifically ask me to come back now, of course."

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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 17:00:57 GMT
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 dominic gives a short, humourless bark of laughter at her next words - more a sharp exhale than anything. turning his head away from circe, dominic scans the beach for several long moments. if he did smile, the expression faded quickly, like prints in the sand being consumed by the sea.

the smell of BARBECUE wafts over, prompting dominic to take another contemplative sip of his drink.

"you’d do that for me?" dominic shoots circe a stare, his faux surprise hidden by the dark lenses of his sunglasses. "i’m touched. really," he adds, tone flat and not sounding very touched at all.

this type of banter might have been cute once, but dominic’s patience for the farce had eroded over time. when he next stares at her, it’s more contemplative than appreciative. the distinction is, likely, imperceptible.

"but suppose i am asking, just on behalf of someone else."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2020 18:52:18 GMT
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"hm? was that a rare occurrence of genuine kindness and good will in your life?" the quip feigns sympathy. it pries slightly, perhaps curious about the man himself, but it never fully becomes anything more than a hostile bark. she herself soon lets out a slight scoff, but doesn't question it further.

"how's the...'family' been?" her question is, surprisingly, sincere. she avoids stating the obvious of their place of work. prying ears were everywhere, and one could never be too cautious. last time she'd been 'at work', it was an annoying clusterfuck of incompetent people, 'kind' villains, and people who couldn't make up their damn mind of whether they wanted in or out. had it changed any? she could only hope so.

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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 18:01:51 GMT
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 "i am bursting with kindness and goodwill," dominic says with a scoff before throwing his head back to finish off his drink.

her next question forces him to pause to think. it also makes him wish he had another drink.

"they’re fine." it occurs to dominic that the circle he interacts with in the organisation is relatively narrow, limited primarily to the heavy-hitters in administration and, for some reason, a child and a criminal from johto.

"the kids are still stupid, but we’re having a guy come down from kanto to sort out the rest of the mess."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 18:42:49 GMT
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There's a fine perk of a brow, but Circe otherwise holds her tongue. Half of the people within rocket, herself included, wouldn't know what genuine kindness was if it shot them in the fucking head. But, Circe merely sips at her beverage, side eyeing the man with a certain judgmental look that words couldn't describe. She didn't need to say a thing.

"From Kanto?"
That catches her interest, as seen by how she leans forward. "He'll have a field day in Hoenn then." Sarcasm dripped from her words, however the woman abruptly pauses. Eyebrows knit together in an oddly serious manner, a hand moving to set the nearly gone drink onto the sand below. She leaned forward, slender digits interlacing with one another as she regarded Dominic with a rare, solemn look.

"Sinclair," she addresses him once more. "Is he hot?"

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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 19:49:54 GMT
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 dominic is pulling the sunglasses off his face in a single, quick motion, leaning forward a few centimeters to stare at circe as if not quite believing what she had just asked. his disbelief is plain in the arch of his brow and the way his lips, slightly parted, curl back in a confused grimace.

after a long moment, dominic’s frown deepens and he drops his gaze from circe to the sand as he ponders a genuine answer to her question. he thinks of walsh’s stern features and commanding presence, the authority he commands by just entering a room and pinning someone with his piercing gaze. dominic raises his eyes back up to meet circe’s after he had made his assessment

"sure," dominic says after a long moment. he raises his shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. "will it make you come back soon if i say yes?"

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 7:36:51 GMT
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she's somewhat surprised that the man seemed to genuinely ponder her question, despite his otherwise flabbergasted expression. she doesn't retract her question though in her usual jesting manner - she's serious. his answer isn't a desired one. she was expecting details, a picture - even some shitty drawing in the sand was better than the nonchalant answer he gave. at the very least, he didn't say no. 

"sure." circe answered by downing the rest of sunrise tequila, mimicking the answer he gave her. "if he's not though, i'm quitting." she offered a shrug of her own, as though trying to antagonize him further. 

"can't you give me anymore details?" her question is almost a complaint. "come on, sinclair. share the details." she leaned closer to him in an almost provocative manner.
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he / him
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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 7:37:37 GMT
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 dominic disbelief slowly erodes to a blank, if slightly strained, expression. very briefly, his features darken in a frown, but he's quick to realise that circe will not budge on this. his eyes flicker shut for a moment, and when he reopens them, dominic is heaving a sigh and reaching for his phone.

he taps at the screen, a little aggressively, and then spends a few long seconds searching through his recent photographs until he finds what he's looking for. enlarging the image, dominic hesitates and then stretches his hand out for circe to see the screen. his grip on the phone remains vice-like so that she couldn't snatch the phone away from him if she tried.

"here," dominic says, eyes narrowed at her.

the phone's screen isn't too easy to make out in the glint of the sun, but on closer inspection an image is visible; a selfie of dominic and another man - the man is holding a glass of wine and staring directly at the camera with a tight smile, though the majority of the frame is taken up with dominic's face.

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 22:53:39 GMT
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Circe's relentless in her pursuit of more knowledge. Even the man's strained expression doesn't deter her from her target, as her eyes merely narrow expectantly, tongue posed and ready. Surprisingly though, Dominic humors her further, shuffling to show her his phone. Circe leaned forward, bicolored eyes narrowing further to gaze at the picture.

"...." The facial expression she bears is unreadable. But, her lips seem to drawl into a tight, firm line. "...The hell is this?" The brash words seem so rough compared to her usually eloquent tone, and his displeasure abruptly becomes clear. "...Your face takes up more than half the frame. Is that smudge back there supposed to be him? What sort of photography skills are these? Literally, half of rocket could do better - and that's not something you should be proud of." She's relentlessness in her assault of the photo, unable to probably hide the distaste that drips from her sharpened tongue like venom.

"Dominic," She refers to him by first name, a rarity reserved for when she's either serious or irritated, "I see you enough as is." Her complaint is comparable to that at a whine at this point. To say she's enjoying this though wouldn't be far from the truth though. At some point, it'd become less about trying to see who the 'mysterious hunk' was, and more about punishing the man for bothering her on her vacation. "Also, that angle also isn't your best one, by the way." She threw one last, halfhearted comment with a pointed sniff, just to add insult to injury.

"Better ones?" Her questions seems more like a demand. 

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he / him
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saffron, kanto
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dominic sinclair
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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 17:07:20 GMT
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 he listens to her criticisms while she speaks; expression impassive, almost patient. he is unblinking while crowe relentlessly attacks his photography skills and bristles only slightly - a slight tension entering the muscle of his shoulders. "shut up. those were impromptu."

dominic withdraws his hand and his phone quickly, his brow furrowed in a frown. he pockets the device, narrowing his eyes at the woman to match her own glare. "and no," he snaps. "the rest are private."

he then stands up slowly, his shadow falling across circe’s reclining figure. "turn up at the lilycove docks within the next few days if you want to see more of the guy. or me. i’ll text you the date and time." the sharp twist of his mouth is something between a grin and a sneer.

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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 10:19:28 GMT
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the thin line the crosses her lips could be considered a scowl - or she could very likely be pouting. she doesn't bother trying to charm the man though, figuring he was as blockheaded as a geodude when it came to womanly wiles. to no fault of his own though, most were. and so, she finally relented in her antagonizing, letting out a scoff. "fine, fine."

she leaned back into her lounging chair, finally letting her shades fall back onto her face. "sounds like a date, sinclair."

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